Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Heart's Regret

The Yogi:

The past is no longer, the future is not yet, and the present is as the blink of an eye.

The Lover:

The past is manifested in the present in the living reality of memory;
The future is in the palpable presence of yearning; and the present is in the invitation of the moment.


My Heart's regret
is because it was
not there.
When we met,
I was heartless.
Now my heart screams
to meet you.
to know you.

To know your
the heat of your kisses,
and the intensity of
the moment when
we are together.
I hope
beyond hope that
you may see my heart
beating again.
This time, for
no one but you.
Now, as we have never
This tardy heart
that I have
seeks for a chance
to go back;
hug you tight, and
never let you go.
But since what was
can never be what is:
I will be waiting for a
tomorrow, where past
and present meet,
where God has
prepared for us.
Until that day comes
to pass,
I will purge my heart
and keep it pure, so
that I will not
take you for granted.
To not make you
suffer my rantings
and insecurities; so
that we may live!
and ablaze.
your fire has set
my soul on a passionate
longing for you;
for the time
we'll get to meet
again- now
with our hearts
in place,
I'll tell you
I love you.

For now, in
hopeful contrition
I lay still.
Dreaming of us
renewed, reunited, and
Let it be so.
In Christ I entrust
my plea.
Let angels come
down and guard
our hearts. And for
my hopeful tomorrow,
Let truth begin this
newfound chance.
Let there be
a celebration in our hearts
until that day.

Let the storms in our
lives take us home. Amen.

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