The day is hot, the air was thick, the ground is hard and the mouth was dry. The hare is making his way home when he comes across the baobab tree.
"Baobab tree," he calls out, "You are old and wise and generous. Please let me rest in your shade."
The tree answered, "Hare, your call is true, come sit in my shade."
The hare sits and thanks the Baobab tree. But the air is still thick and the ground is still hard and the mouth still dry. The hare calls once again,
"Baobab tree you are old and wise and generous, allow me to drink from your sap."
And the Baobab says, "Hare, your call is true, please drink from my sap." The hare drinks from the sap, is refreshed, and thanks the Baobab tree.
Some time goes by and the hare calls once more,
"Baobab tree, you are old and wise and generous, won't you allow me to enter your heart?"
And the tree answers, "Hare your call is true, come enter my heart."
The tree opens her heart and the hare enters.
Inside he sees unimaginable beauty, lights of all colors, sparkling dew drops, and precious stones everywhere onyx and emerald, diamond and sapphires all glittering and glowing. The hare calls to the Baobab,
"You are old and wise and generous, wont you allow me to take one of your stones to my wife as a present?"
The tree answers, "Your call is true, won't you take one of my stones?" The hare thankfully takes a single crystal, steps out and the heart closes behind him.
Now the hare takes the stone to his wife, who places it on a chain around her neck and walks around town, showing it to all. But she shows it especia
That night, the wife of the hyena says to her husband, "Go, get me a stone from the heart of the baobab tree."
The next morning, the air is thick, the sun is hot and the ground is hard. The hyena comes to the Baobab tree and says, "You are old and rich and very beautiful let me enter your heart."
The Baobab tree opens her heart. The hyena enters and sees lights of many colors, sparkling dew, and precious stones. And the hyena starts to grab a diamond, a sapphire, a ruby. He grabs more and more, frantic with greed. He is out of control, taking from every corner of the Baobab's heart.
The tree trembling and terrified calls out to him, but the hyena can not hear her. So with great shudder the Baobab closes her heart, trapping the hyena inside. The hyena dies.
From that day on, the Baobab tree has not been willing to open her heart to anyone, even to those whose call is true.
Happy day! Faith is truly looking back at the Cross of Jesus. :D
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